

Operation Christmas Child

August 12th, 2018|Announcements|

This Month we will be doing “Christmas in August” Please choose an ornament from our tree and purchase the items from that ornament. The tree will be set up in the Sanctuary
August 12th-September 2nd **Shipping and monetary donations can be made all year by placing a check in the offering plate with the Memo “OCC”.**

Hope House

August 12th, 2018|Announcements|

Needed for August – Mac-n-Cheese

Haiti Mission Trip

June 10th, 2018|Announcements|

Please continue to pray for our mission team while they are in Haiti!! Team members are: John & Kelsey Prose, Karen & Kolbi Kirk, Kolton Farmer, Ella Cagle, Kaci Kirk, Kelsey Bowman, Irby & Jessica Wallace, Brandon & Cheree Rains, Daniel York, Mike Slaton & Theo Enns.

Hope House Food Closet

June 10th, 2018|Announcements|

Needed for June: Canned Fruit

Budget Request for 2018-2019 Church Year

June 10th, 2018|Announcements|

All department heads please turn your budget request for the 2018-2019 budget into the office sometime during the month of June. The Stewardship Committee plans to start work on this in July. You can also email them to

Your Stewardship Committee Members are Donna Pass Harris, Scott Kirk, Lacie Blevins, Mitchell Pate, Billy Poe and Terry Parker, if you need to discuss anything. Thank you!

Operation Christmas Child

June 10th, 2018|Announcements|

June Items: Boys & Girls Deodorant. Items can be placed in the provided bin in the back of the Sanctuary.
**Shipping and monetary donations can be made all year by placing a check in the
offering plate with the memo “OCC”.**

Operation Christmas Child

May 16th, 2018|Announcements|

Collecting for May: soap & wash cloths. Items can be placed in the provided bin in the back of the Sanctuary.

Merry Makers

May 16th, 2018|Announcements|

Will not meet during the month of May.