We are excited to announce that in 2017, we are offering 2 mission trip opportunities for you to be a part of! We are asking you to start praying now about how God would like for you to be involved in these mission trips, whether it is by praying, financially supporting a trip, or by going on one of these trips.
ARIZONA: We are looking at taking this trip around the last week of May or the first week in June. This will be between 7-10 days. We will be working with Christ Community Church, which is the Southern Baptist Church we worked with last year on the Hickiwan Indian Reservation. We will need individuals with medium level experience in electrical, plumbing, and construction in order to finish bathrooms in a mission center. Also, we will need individuals who are willing to do light construction and some people with agricultural experience in order to help build some planter beds. We will also be doing Bible Club/VBS, so we will need folks willing to do crafts, recreation, snacks, and Bible study.
MEXICO: We are looking at taking a mission trip to Mexico on October 26th-November 5th. Our objective will be to work with a church that has a large ministry to the elderly. The people in this community take elderly family members to this church and drop them off. It, then, becomes the church’s responsibility to care for them. Relationship building will be a big part of this trip. In addition, they have a rehab center there for individuals addicted to several types of drugs and alcohol. People who are skilled in relationships and addiction counseling will be helpful on this trip. Medical experience will be advantageous on this trip. General maintenance, cleaning, and possibly some light construction will be helpful as well.
Please prayerfully consider how God would like for you to be involved in these mission opportunities. We will be having our first informational meeting December 11th at 3p.m. in the New Fellowship Hall. We are looking forward to how God is going to use Broadway Baptist Church to share His love with the world.