GridIron Men’s Conference
The 2019 GridIron Men’s Conference comes to Birmingham. Join us at the Legacy Arena at the BJCC June 14 & 15. For more information, call the church office – 256-638-4219.
The 2019 GridIron Men’s Conference comes to Birmingham. Join us at the Legacy Arena at the BJCC June 14 & 15. For more information, call the church office – 256-638-4219.
Please join us as we reach out into the communities around Rainsville and help provide a Thanksgiving Day Lunch this year to anyone in the community that might need or want one. Volunteers have helped cook, serve, and deliver over 300 meals each of the last 5 years. From the prayers, the food, the fellowship, and even washing dishes (UGH!), we have witnessed the love and compassion that Broadway has for anyone that walks through the door. This is not possible with-out your help!
How can I help? We hope that you will pray for the Thanksgiving Day Lunch, those that receive a meal, and those that are working. You can send names of friends, neighbors, or family members that we could take a meal to. If you have time (even for an hour or so) we would love for you to help us on Thanksgiving Day by greeting those coming into our church, help prepare plates, deliver meals, clean up, or help set up the fellowship hall for the lunch. We also need you to cook an extra dish if possible. We usually need around 25 pans of dressing, 25 sweet potato casseroles, 30 cakes/pies, 20 gallons of green beans, 15 gallons corn, and monetary donations to purchase ham and rolls. The cost of the ham and rolls is about $500-$600 each year.
The Alabama Baptist State Convention annual meeting is November 13-14, 2018 at the
First Baptist Church of Trussville. If you would like to be a messenger, please contact church clerk for online registration.
The month of November we will be taking shipping Donations. Each box costs $9 to ship. Please pray about what your family can give towards shipping and place your check in the offering with “OCC” in the memo line.
Needed for November “Beef Stew”
Please Join us for a Build Party at the AOT Nehemiah teams Training Center, October 6-14. Repeat Builders are coming to coach, mentor and supplement other teams, to build trail shelters in anticipation of hosting Nehemiah Teams Orientation at the Training Center in Spring of 2019. We need prayer partners, donations for materials, and builders (individuals or whole crews,
for the whole week or just a few days). You can find more information on the Nehemiah Team web page. Also, if you are interested in helping let John Potter ( & Don Hershey ( know, so we can coordinate logistics support (especially food) and match resources (especially people and materials). We look forward to hearing from you!!
Our school schedule has changed as of August 8, 2018. We will have snack at 5:30. Bible classes will start earlier this year at 5:50 and end at 6:20. Choir will start at 6:20 and end at 7:00. Drop off and pick up will be the same as the past. Children will be dropped off at the fellowship hall and picked up in the church foyer. **If your child plans to eat, please have him/her at the fellowship hall by 5:30 since we are starting
classes earlier.** If he/she is not eating, be here by 5:50 if possible.
This Month we will be doing “Christmas in August” Please choose an ornament from our tree and purchase the items from that ornament. The tree will be set up in the Sanctuary
August 12th-September 2nd **Shipping and monetary donations can be made all year by placing a check in the offering plate with the Memo “OCC”.**