
/Julie May

About Julie May

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So far Julie May has created 78 blog entries.

Mission Opportunities for 2020

February 18th, 2020|Announcements|

Our God is a sending God! He is sending us, His Church to share with others the wonderful news of the love of God through Jesus Christ. This coming year we have the opportunity to work locally with our Association and in the neighborhoods around our church, as well as to look at trips stateside and overseas. We will continue to update you as new opportunities become available. But please be in prayer about the part God would have you play in sending the Gospel to those who need it most!

Mexico Mission Trip: We will be going to the Baja region of Mexico, where we will be serving along side FFHM (Foundation For His Ministry): We will be involved in sports ministry, working with a local church to do door to door visitation, VBS, and some small construction projects. The approximate cost for this trip is $800.00. If you are interested in more details, please see Mike Slaton.

New Mexico Mission Trip: We also plan to partner with another church and take a team to New Mexico. Approximate cost for this trip is $650. We are finalizing the details of this trip but if you are interested please see John Prose.

Shamrock Shuffle: Back this year is our 5K and fun run/walk. All the proceeds from this event go to Missions. The race will be March 7 at 8:00 am. We will need runners, sponsors and supporters to make this event everything we know it can be!

Hope House Food Closet

February 18th, 2020|Announcements|

Needed for February: Jelly

Hope House Food Closet

December 1st, 2019|Announcements|

Needed for December – Canned Fruit. There is a donation container in the foyer of the new building.

Operation Christmas Child

September 22nd, 2019|Announcements|

For the month of September, we will be collecting scissors and chapstick! If you would like to give a monetary donation, you may do so by placing it in the offering and designate OCC.

Special Announcement

September 22nd, 2019|Announcements|

We will be having one unified service Sunday, September 29 @ 11 a.m. We will still have Sunday School at 10 a.m.

Historical Materials

September 8th, 2019|Announcements|

Several files of pictures are available in the office for all interested persons to view and enjoy. They include the following:

  1. A large photo of all 14 pastors from 1928 through now.
  2. A photo album of the Merrymakers group from several years ago
  3. A copy of all church directories going back to the early 1970s
  4. A folder of documents covering many events throughout the history of the church
  5. A folder of documents showing detail plans for remodeling the old sanctuary in 1982
  6. A binder with copies of the church constitution, church bylaws, and church operating policies

If you would like to browse through these files, come by the church office any time Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Hope House

September 8th, 2019|Announcements|

Canned Spam is needed for September.

Vacation Bible School Needs You!

April 7th, 2019|Announcements|

If you have not already signed up to work in VBS, we still need you! Areas of Interest:

Bible Class Helper
Music Class Helper
Crafts Helper
Recreation Helper
Registration Helper
Stage Decorations
Prayer Team
Kick-off Party

Let Sherri Blevins know where you’d like to serve!